Thursday, August 19, 2010

Does this girl like me?.....need advice?

I'm from canada high,

This girl at course i see very rarely, i think likes me, and i like her too, but i dont know how to know for sure or not. At first, i used to catch her looking at me quite alot, and everytime i caught her looking, she'd look away.....?

She serves coffee behind a counter, i apporached the counter, and asked for a coffee...not having a full on conversation at all...but she was really polite and smiled when she saw me, and looked away....

i dont get it, she looks at me when far from distance, but when im up close to her shell not evn look at all, which makes me think she doesnt like me at all.Does this girl like me?.....need advice?
I think she likes you mateDoes this girl like me?.....need advice?
ask her out already. two quotes: ';of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness'; and '; Life is TOO SHORT to wake up in the morning with regrets. So LOVE the people who treat you RIGHT. FORGET about the ones who don't. And believe that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. If you GET a chance, TAKE IT! If it changes your life, LET IT. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be WORTH IT! ! '; ............take a chance. the worst she could do is say no. you never know, it could turn out to be something really great!
keep talking and after awhile ask her out for lunch or dinner and get to know her more. to me it seems that she likes you because when a girl likes a guy they are usually shy and turn away when the guy they like is looking at them because us girls get too nervous.

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