I have very low self esteem and I am aware of it. I want to be confident in the things I do but I always expect the worst and always look down on myself. My friends tell me to lighten up and believe in myself but its really hard. I dont come from a hugging happy supportive family and I dont really know what to do. Help?Advice for a 16/17 year old girl?
Growing up is hard. There is no other way to say it. You are a unique person. Remember that. God made you to be the way you are for a purpose in this world. He made you this way for a reason. You aren't here by accident, rather you are here by design. Be confident in the person that God made you to be. We are always going to be our own worst critic. That is the same case with everyone. We have to live with ourselves all the time, so you better learn to like yourself or it will be a miserable existence.
Even though you may not have a supportive family, you seem to have supportive friends. That is a type of family to have. Realize that they wouldn't be your friends if you weren't a good person in some way or another. Look at yourself through their eyes. They see you as a good person and don't look down on you at all.Advice for a 16/17 year old girl?
Hi sis, always think you are right, dont matter what others will think.
Seek advises from your family and friends and be optimistic, never be persimistic. Keep away from people who are persimistic like friends, they will lower your self esteem.
If you make mistakes, dont think about it or look at the past, everyone makes mistakes in life, and think what you can do better for the future.
I dont care about what people say, I do what I think is right and be happy always. Try to help everyone, be good and kind, you will always feel great especially to your parents. They will help us and love us the most in this world.
I Hope these will help you.
i was like that too a few years ago (cause im 18 now). i don't know if there's a sure way/process to get your desired results.. but these are some of what i did:
1. list down the things im good at (not exactly really excellent but above the average) like dancing, math, poetry (a little), etc. you can even write something as simple as choosing colors for a dress, or folding clothes, winking in a very cute and cool way.. exhaust all your strengths
2. read them out loud everyday. in the morning. this is a good start. always remind yourself that you are good at something, at a lot of things!
3. do something that can reflect these strengths. for example, if im good at folding clothes, it shows in my closet. and everyone who sees my closet goes, ';wow!';.. or i tutor others in math.
4. if it does not work out the first time, the second time, or the third time. don't give up. cause im sure you're a real great person.
plus, knowing what the problem is (low self-esteem) is a great big step. at least you know where to start and what to improve on. :D
good luck!
Why not starting a sport u like, like swimming, ... Sports give gr8 self confidence, or u can join art clubs, if u c how gr8 u r in s.th u get ur confidence back. Remember:
nothing is impossible, the word it self says, im possible
good luck
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