Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bipolar? Advice for a 19yr. old girl (bi-p) who quit college after one year?

Really tried but couldn't keep up.

Still works PT but not happy.

Wants to stay independent.

Needs ideas for a career.Bipolar? Advice for a 19yr. old girl (bi-p) who quit college after one year?
My son is 22 and dropped out of school after 3 1/2 years due to bipolar. He is currently on risperdal consta shots taken every two weeks.

As long as you stay on your bipolar meds, the sky is the limit. I would suggest you see a therapist and maybe go to EA meetings (Emotions Anonymous). Google EA and they have a list of meetings in your area.

Good luck. I wish you the very best.Bipolar? Advice for a 19yr. old girl (bi-p) who quit college after one year?
As long as you stay on mood stabilizers and anti depressants (as prescribed by your psychiatrist), you can do anything you want!
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