Sunday, August 22, 2010

I LIKE THIS GIRL AND I NEED ADVICE because i have fallen in love with her!!!=]?

okay so i'm a guy , i'm 15 and so is the girl that i like....uhm she got baptized in the religion i belong to....she wasn't my friend before that....BUt after the baptism there was a celebratioon and i got to know her better and we hung out....she's nice...very nice....just beatiful......i like her a lot....i have a huge crush on her......what should i do?!!?...i want to ask her for her sn and become friends with her.....i am totally in love with her...i haven't been able to stop thinking about her since the day we hung out...i even drew little drawings about her and HEARTS...(no i'm not gay).....but i like her....i want to get to know her more and talk to her and spend more time with her *sigh* =].....i wish she felt the same way. ANYONE WHO CAN GIVE ME ADVICE WILL BE MY HERO. THANKS.

ps. she's a freshman....and i'm a sophomore...we're both 15 though and both turning 16 this summmer =]!!!!I LIKE THIS GIRL AND I NEED ADVICE because i have fallen in love with her!!!=]?
Take things SLOW, yall are really young. Get to know her better. Get her s/n, phone #, email etc. Be friends and let your personality shine through. If it's meant to be she'll see it like you do. But don't come out and tell you that you love her right off the bat, she will think your crazy. But not all hope is lost focus on friends then take it from there.I LIKE THIS GIRL AND I NEED ADVICE because i have fallen in love with her!!!=]?
Okay, that is the sweetest thing ever! I would definitely get her sn, and ask her if she wants to hang out with you outside of your place of worship over the summer. Just talk to her, and you will tell if you have chemistry.

I really hope everything works out for you!
wait a little while longer but not too long or it may become too late so you can learn a little bit about her and no for sure that you like her then when the time seems right ask her out you can do it all you got to do it believe that she likes you, other wise you may fail
ur not in love ur 15 get to know her. then u mite b able to tell
ummm. you're too young to be in love. you're just infatuated. but you should let her know how you feel! have fun.
Okay, look.....ask your mom or dad if it would be appropriate to ask her over to your house or maybe they could drive you to a movie and pick you up afterwards...Don't show her that you like her too much, be cool..but check with your parents first and go from there..
Just be friends and don't go too fast. It may turn into a lifelong relationship if it's meant to be.
well i say continue being her friend and and talking to her and give it some time then tell her how you feel and hopefully shell feel the same way and age has nothing to do with it but goodluck
just keep doing the things you BOTH enjoy. things will happen in it's own time and course. be patient.
Just take it slow. You are not in love with her yet. What you are feeling is an attraction. Go with that. Just ask her if she would like to go out. Take her to a youth group event at your church. It is not as difficult as it feels.
wow thats awesome! it sounds like you have fallen! go ahead, get to know her! see what happens! you never know, and even if she doesn't turn out having the same feelings as you, you will most likely gain an amazing friend! good luck, but I don't think you'll need it. if it turns out she does have the same feelings, or you feel like she does, go ahead and tell her how you feel. like I said, good luck and I hope everything goes well!
Awww, tell her you like her, ask her out to the movies, let your feelings take it from there.
take that prettty momma to da mall. then talk and get to kniw her better, but dont be thinking that she just the goddess of booty, no man you gotta get to know her even more and when da time is right she will be yours
Grow a set and tell hre you like her.
you should aim to spend more time with her, see if you can get her email could say you want to have it for emergencies or sumthing, then you could email her....via email, you can then ask her for her sn, from there it should be pretty straightforward.....just become friends, and hopefully something else will be created from that!

good luck!

my sis is 16 n i m 9 .but if u really like her than u can askher to the movies /date her /ask her wheather she likes u/buy drinks 4 her/propose to her.
I think you should go for it. It seems like you two have a good relationship. Just hang out with her more and then after ask her if she would go out with you. Or you could wait and see if she starts feeling the same way. I wish you the best luck.

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