think an advise that u can think coz what if she ask you some other advise then what will you do you cannot always ask for some advise to people you have to think it but think it carefully before you will say it to her. If you cannot think some advise just ask.
Hope helps!What advice should i give to a girl that i like and doesn't like me but is having problems in her life?
what do you mean she doesn't like you. Are you talking romantically? If that's the case.The best thing to do is just leave her alone. If you have a thing for her and she does not have a thing for you then she probably doesn't want to hear from you anyway. If she is having problems in her life then she needs time to work them out. And even though you may feel like you are helping or at least trying. The last thing a girl wants when things are already a mess is to have to deal with someone they don't want to. You may just be adding stress to her life. She may be thinning OMG I have all this bad stuff going on and on top of it all this guy won't leave me alone. Just lave her alone she will be fine. Even i she is not it's not your problem.What advice should i give to a girl that i like and doesn't like me but is having problems in her life?
THat's pretty hard to answer without knowing what problems she is going through. Just offer your support and be there for her. Also, you'll want to be aware, just for yourself, of the reasons you are wanting to support her. Do you genuinely want to help, or is it to try and get her to like you?
How can you expect us to answer this question? You will most likely not get the answer you are searching for. Not only that but you may not even get any legitimate answer that suits the situation that i state, we have no idea about.
give her the advice you think will make her the happiest. think about her position and emotions, not yours. youll feel better by making her happier
my advice to you is to get out of her life
been there done that
you are living in denial if you let it go on
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