Me and my friend are worrying about starting our periods...
No immature answers please!Has any girls got any advice for me and my friend?
don't be sad, be happy!! Your bodies are ready to make babies (but DON'T start now! just wait until you're older) but you'll officially be women! Womanhood is amazing and beautiful. Its really not a setback, its just five-seven days out of the year when you're bleeding and then you're finnnne. you'll get so used to it by the 3rd month you won't even care anymore. you may want to use pads at first and then maybe switch to tampons, which do not hurt at all. you can't even feel them.Has any girls got any advice for me and my friend?
I started my period when i was 11 it was kinda scary but after the first few months you'll do fine. Just wear pads as long as possible before using tampons. If possible don't use them.
I cant sit hurr n tell u, ull b fine bcuz each female experience it n different myself have irregular periodz n i dont bleed very heavy...i kno tmi, lmao but itz nothin 2 worry bout. You shood only start worryin when u r 18 n havent started yet =)
Well, when ya'll start your periods, you'll need to buy tampons or pads, whatever fancies you. But make sure you don't wear tampons any longer than 8 hours, and if they are full, make sure to change them as well. And wear pads at night, but make sure to wear underwear during the time of your period that you don't care if it gets stains on it. And make sure to use a calendar to keep track of your periods, so you'll know generally when your next one starts, and in case you go to the doctor, they'll ask you when was your last period.
Don't worry about it. It sounds way more scary than it really is. Make sure you have some pads on hand, just in case you start your period. For example keep one in your backpack at school and have a box in the bathroom at home.
Also, don't use tampons for a while, because that can be uncomfortable if you're just starting your period.
Don't worry about it though, while it gets annoying after a while, its just something we girls have to deal with.
Hope I was helpful!
periods suck but they are a normal part of life. I was 10 in fifth grade when I got mine. They don't hurt. Just uncomtable. My advice to you is keep a pad with you in your purse or backpack. Don't wear white pants when your on your period, and if you try tampons always go with the smallest size because of tss.
It's natural to be worried about your period coming...I was. It could come at any time any day any where so just be prepared and then theres nothing to worry about. Remember to help each other through this cos' it might not be easy. Also, if you have any questions you can just ask your mum remember she's been through her first period so she'll no you'll be bursting with questions when it happens. But, there really is nothing to worry about once you get used to it...and good luck for you when you first start it's really light so you can control it.
So, stop worrying and be happy!
Good Luck Sweeties...x
you'll be fine sweethearts, i'd use pads to start with as tampons may be painful for the first few times you start your period x
always carry a pad around with you incase it starts. get your mum to buy you one or if your super shy there are cheap at any store. Other than that don't worry its really light when you first start anyway.
oh don't worry i'm 17 now and had it for four years you'll be fine never go with tampns first i'd go with pads
Its nothing to worry about, may be a little painful from time to time but you get used to it. It seems like a massive build up and worry before you start but it honestly is nothing to bother about!
I don't know which part you're worried about most, so let's just go over some basics:
If you're worried about starting when you're at school or something and not being prepared, start carrying some light to regular strength pads in your purse or bookbag. You can bring tampons if you'd prefer to use those, but they can be uncomfortable the first time you use them.
When it first starts, it might be more brownish than red, and can vary from heavy to light, spotty or steady. That's completely normal; it varies for every woman. Cramps suck!! If you get crampy, take some painkillers (advil, aleve, etc) as soon as they start, and just try to relax. For me, cramps sort of feel like a constant dull pain on my lower back--again, the severity of the cramps and their location, etc., varies. Hot water packs, painkillers, back rubs, are all good for cramps. You might also being very tired, and possibly irritable or very emotional sensitive (I'm that one--a week before, anything can make me cry :-p) You might crave salty food, chocolate, or carbs just before or during your period.
Being active a week or so before your period will help tone down your cramps and your feelings of fatigue. Good luck! Every other woman goes through this, you'll be absolutely fine. :-)
look out for symptons, and ask your moms. ';some'; [not all] strangers on the internet will be giving you the wrong answers. oh and start out with a pad.
i started mine when i was in 4 th grade dont worry ur not going to die it just a change from a girl to woman
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